Sweet Family Dentistry Blog

Tooth Truths: 5 Facts About Kids’ Dental Health That May Surprise You

January 10, 2025

Child with good dental health high-fiving dentist

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to keep your child’s smile healthy. But did you know that baby teeth are just as important as their adult counterparts? Or that cavities can start even before your child’s first birthday? There’s a lot to learn about kids’ dental health, and some of it might surprise you! Here are five facts every parent should know to foster smile success for their child.


I Just Received Braces – Why Do My Teeth Feel Loose?

December 4, 2024

Patient pulling her lips back to reveal blue braces

Plenty of people get braces, especially in their teens. Maybe this is why you thought you knew a lot about them, but regardless, you’re shocked to find that your teeth feel loose after receiving them! What does this mean?

Believe it or not, feeling that your teeth are loose while wearing braces is considered normal. Keep reading to learn why a dentist would likely tell you not to worry about it.


Tried & True: When Braces are the Best Option

November 21, 2024

A closeup of a smile with traditional metal braces

In the last few years, many have begun to think aligners are the better orthodontic treatment. That’s only natural – clear trays offer perks that older forms of orthodontics can’t match. However, the truth is that there are times when braces are the best option for a smile. Your Rowlett orthodontist can even share a few as proof! With that said, read on to learn about four situations where metal braces would benefit you more than clear aligners.


What Makes a Good Emergency Dentist?

November 12, 2024

Dentist and patient looking at X-ray

When it comes to oral health, no one ever plans to have an emergency. However, it is always wise to prepare for the unexpected! If you ever find yourself in urgent need of expert care, you should know who to call. This blog post delves into a few traits that you should look for in a good emergency dentist.


What to Do if a Permanent Tooth Comes Loose

October 17, 2024

A woman looking at her loose tooth in the mirror.

Having a loose tooth is exciting when you’re a kid. It means you’re growing up and getting your permanent teeth, and if you’re lucky enough, a cool prize from the tooth fairy. But it’s not quite as appealing when you’re an adult. That’s because once you do get that second set of choppers, they’re supposed to stay in place for the rest of your life. So, what happens if you notice a permanent tooth is feeling wiggly? Here are a few reasons why this could happen, and what you should do until you can make an emergency visit to the dentist.


Welcome to Sweet Family Dentistry!

September 17, 2024

At Sweet Family Dentistry, we believe that a visit to the dentist should be a pleasant and stress-free experience for the entire family. Whether you’re seeking a new, reliable dental home in Rowlett or facing a dental emergency, we are here for you. From the moment you walk through our doors to the end of your visit, you’ll feel like our top priority.

Stay tuned for exciting content about how we make dentistry enjoyable for all ages and the unique services we offer to ensure your family’s smiles stay healthy and bright.

We can’t wait to meet you!