Having a loose tooth is exciting when you’re a kid. It means you’re growing up and getting your permanent teeth, and if you’re lucky enough, a cool prize from the tooth fairy. But it’s not quite as appealing when you’re an adult. That’s because once you do get that second set of choppers, they’re supposed to stay in place for the rest of your life. So, what happens if you notice a permanent tooth is feeling wiggly? Here are a few reasons why this could happen, and what you should do until you can make an emergency visit to the dentist.
What Causes Loose Permanent Teeth?
There are many reasons you could have a loose permanent tooth. These include:
- Orthodontic treatment
- Gum disease
- An accident or injury
- Hormonal changes such as from pregnancy or menopause
- Teeth Grinding (bruxism)
- Osteoporosis
If you do notice one or more of your teeth are suddenly mobile, the first step is to figure out why. If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, this is quite normal and no cause for concern but mention it to your dentist or orthodontist at your next appointment. For all other reasons, schedule an appointment at your dentist as soon as possible just to be safe.
Next Steps
Once you have spoken to your dental team and scheduled an appointment, take the following precautions to protect your tooth until you can be seen:
- Avoid playing with the tooth with your fingers or tongue
- Do not brush or floss it; instead, gently swish warm water to keep it clean
- Avoid eating any sticky, chewy, or hard foods
How to Treat Loose Permanent Teeth
Once you arrive at the dentist, there are several treatment options that may be recommended.
- Flap surgery to better perform a root scaling and planing procedure.
- Bone Grafting, where fragments of bone or synthetic material are used to repair diseased bone.
- Splinting, which uses metal to bond two neighboring teeth together to provide extra support for the loose tooth.
- Bite adjustment to reshape the biting surface of your tooth by removing small bits of enamel and relieve pressure on the tooth so it can heal.
- A mouth guard to protect your teeth from the effects of tooth grinding.
Remember, your permanent teeth are not supposed to be loose. If you are not undergoing orthodontic treatment, speak to your dentist about possible causes and treatment options. While in some cases your tooth can be saved, you could potentially lose the tooth, in which case tooth replacement options can be discussed.
About Our Practice
At Sweet Family Dentistry, Dr. Chan and Dr. Yip understand that when it comes to your oral health, every dental visit is important. That’s why we offer emergency appointments in addition to regular exams and cleanings. If you notice that your permanent teeth are feeling loose or you’re experiencing any other abnormalities, please don’t hesitate to call us as soon as possible to schedule an urgent exam.
You can reach us via our website, or by calling us at 972-905-0340.