Preventive Dentistry Rowlett

We Can Help Stop Problems Before They Start

Dental patient visiting dentist for preventive dentistry in Rowlett

Preventive dentistry in Rowlett comes in many forms. Ranging from general checkups and cleanings to fluoride treatment and custom nightguards for teeth grinding, these services are designed to decrease the chances of you or a loved one developing a cavity or any number of oral health problems over the years. At Sweet Family Dentistry, we want to help you in this pursuit, which is why we invite you to call our office to schedule an appointment today.


Why Choose Sweet Family Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Intraoral Cameras Used for Patient Viewing & Education
  • Kind, Caring Dental Team
  • We Welcome Your Dental Insurance


Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Female patient having teeth examined by male dentist

Keeping teeth and gums clean is essential; however, ensuring the health of your remaining oral and facial structures is equally important, which is why we recommend biannual checkups and cleanings. Our team will not only examine your smile for signs of decay and disease but also perform an oral cancer screening to ensure no abnormalities. We’ll then move on to clearing away plaque and tartar, leaving your smile healthier and happier than before.

Gum Disease Treatment

Pulling down lips to show inflamed gums

When bacteria attack your gum tissues, you will likely experience bleeding, tenderness, and inflammation when brushing and flossing. To prevent the early stage of gum disease (gingivitis) from progressing to a more advanced form (periodontitis), we can implement scaling and root planing. This form of deep cleaning removes harmful plaque and tartar while also reducing reinfection by smoothing tooth roots for better gum reattachment.

Fluoride Treatment

Dentist giving child a fluoride treatment

When tooth enamel needs optimal protection from potential decay, fluoride treatment can be an excellent way to safeguard your smile. Although found in toothpaste, tap water, and various foods, it may not be enough if you or a loved one are prone to cavities. With an additional application of fluoride during a regular checkup, though, we can give your teeth the protection they need to avoid decay between appointments.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Smiling man putting in a nightguard

Although tooth enamel is highly durable, it is not indestructible. This means that it can break over time, and when it does, it’s gone for good. To avoid damaging your teeth and causing additional wear and tear, allow us to fabricate a customized nightguard to combat bruxism. Also known as teeth grinding, this unhealthy habit occurs when the top and lower rows of teeth come together and night under intense pressure. With a nightguard, this protective barrier will keep them apart so that further damage does not occur.

TMJ Treatment

Placing an oral appliance on mold of teeth

Chronic jaw pain can be the result of stress, bruxism, or even a misaligned bite. To alleviate the pressure and inflammation on your temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which are located on both sides of your jaw and at the base of your skull, we can perform a thorough examination to diagnose the problem. Once it’s determined that you have TMJ, we can craft an occlusal splint to reduce the tension on your jaw joints and allow for a more relaxed and functional smile.