Tooth Extractions Rowlett

Extractions with Smile Preservation in Mind

Woman smiling and looking up at dentist

Tooth-colored fillings, dental crowns, and even root canal treatment are all restorative solutions that you can expect our team to employ when attempting to save your tooth. However, if the damage or decay is too severe, and these services prove unsuccessful, there is only one option left – tooth extraction in Rowlett. We’re here to ensure that you remain completely comfortable throughout your procedure, so call us today if you would like to learn more.


Why Choose Sweet Family Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available
  • Your Dental Insurance is Welcome
  • Safe & Comfort-Focused Approach From Our Team

When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Forceps holding tooth after tooth extraction in Rowlett
  • Your child has a baby tooth that will not fall out on its own. Removal will ensure there is room for the permanent one to push through.
  • Significant damage due to facial trauma has caused a tooth to no longer be savable.
  • Severe decay is impacting the health of the tooth and putting nearby teeth at risk.
  • You require custom prosthetics but need one or more teeth removed because of the high risk of decay.
  • You are suffering from advanced periodontitis that is causing teeth to become loose.